Y2K was a computer bug that didn't allow the proper year. Since computers were a program to tell time according to the final two digits (so in the year 1975 the computer would recognize it as 75) when the year 2000 came many fear that the computer would see this date and confuse it for 1900 and become overrun with errors and completely shut down. All technology would just collapse and turn off at 12 am January 1, 2000. This leads a full on panic by many individuals that drove them to prepare for what was seen as the end of the world or an apocalypse because of how bad things could get with no light or electricity running and keeping the nation flourishing. Many states and countries spend over millions of dollars in preparation for this disaster that was to come but never came. And many people took precautions as well going as far as to buying new homes in the desert, buying gas power generators, and buying a year long food supplies they are could “survive the disaster.”
If the Y2K disaster was to happen there would be many failures economy that could affect the US nation. This included power plants dealing and handling of nuclear energy (controlling energy/electricity so it's not released ), radiation(so it's not exposed to the environment of people causing mutations), and water pressure (that handled dams blocking off water). Also, consequences such as hardware and software problems were hardware problems included those of machinery and controlling the machines used in factories and facilities. Software problems include telling programs what to do. As many tried and tried, failure after failure people tried to find the missing component or the solution to this problem time was running out and when companies announce new solutions, people still fear the event happening.
Once the clock struck midnight, in the end, there was nothing to fear the bug was later seen as just a big over exaggerated hoax and many believe in it. Many who were unprepared either were relieved or laugh at those who believed. As for the ones who prepared for Y2K many weren't sorry for it at all. More like “Better safe than sorry” attitude arose from those who were scared and worried about this traumatizing situation.
The Y2K phenomenon is pretty baffling, especially when considering the number of people that thought it was inevitable. We might be hearing of this again relatively soon enough, however, as it's possible that a bug similar to the Y2K one could arise in 2038, making it Y2038. After January 19th, 2038, the latest time that can be represented in Unix's time format will have been stored, and any other time after that could bring about problems like the ones that were anticipated with the Y2K bug. For more information on a possible Y2038 bug: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/dec/17/is-the-year-2038-problem-the-new-y2k-bug