The Beatles' American invasion all began in 1964, when the British rock band set off on a plane bound for New York City. The Beatles came to the United States with low expectations; they knew that a few of their records had done well in the states and they thought it would be a real challenge to make it big in America. When they landed, thousands of fans had arrived to welcome them. Screaming girls held up signs and banners saying "we love The Beatles" – the band was overwhelmed and surprised that this huge reception was for them. The Beatles were astonished by the way the Americans welcomed them into their country and culture, saying it was a dream come true for them.

The group was automatically rushed into conferences and interviews while being followed by paparazzis and obsessive fans. Their surroundings for the rest of the trip were as crazy and chaotic as that of the airport – fans were constantly being held back by the police.

The Beatles' first trip to America was filmed by a team in their entourage and later turned into a documentary about the band and their unexpected success: The Beatles' American invasion.
Nice post! It is interesting to see why so many Americans liked the Beatles so much. It must have been an effect of American culture and society at the time. Here is an article with more about the Beatles.
This is interesting! I think that one of the reasons the Beatles and their music were so appreciated was the rise of a new generation during the 1960's and a reaction to the conformity of the 50's. Not only the Beatles, but many foreign and domestic rock stars became famous such as The Rolling Stones.