NAFTA, a trade agreement between Mexico, Canada, and the US, many people believe this trade deal to be detrimental the the economy of the United States according to our new leader. But most people don't actually know what NAFTA does, and how it helps/hurts our economy. In APUSH we learned about Bill Clinton and his policies, but we did not go into depth on what NAFTA is and how helped/ hrut the economy. NAFTA which was signed in 1993 was Bill's pride and joy, he believed it would create one of the biggest trade zone in the world and would create hundreds of thousands of jobs in just a few years. Improving the economy of the US, Mexico, and Canada. However many Politicians argue on how the trade agreement has shaped the US, and has is really helped.

However what we do know that has helped the US is trade between these three countries, which used to be around 290 billion dollars before the agreement to a whopping 1.1 trillion in present day. So NAFTA has definitely help trade between Mexico and Canada, but what other good things has it done? Many arguments against NAFTA say that it prevents the US from getting new jobs because businesses are investing in Mexico and not in America. However that is not entirely because 6 million Americans in the US rely on US-Mexico trade to get their job and removing NAFTA would lower that job market significantly because of the high tariffs that NAFTA removes. Another benefit of NAFTA would be its company integration between the NAFTA members. NAFTA is creating partners with American companies not competitors as companies can now work together better with the integration of the borders. However not everything about NAFTA is good for the US economy. Many companies have been leaving the US to Mexico because of cheaper labor and lower business tax destroying around 600,000 thousand jobs in the US, and many economists believe that the surge of imports between Mexico and the US would have happened with our without NAFTA. However the impact of NASA is very hard to see because the trade is not just caused by NAFTA they are caused by other factors and without knowing what factors caused which boosts in trade we have no idea how much NAFTA has really helped the trading between Mexico US and Canada.
What are your opinions on NAFTA? It's hard to tell - is it difficult to find a conclusion because of conflicting data and irreconcilable philosophies that extend to measurement of phenomena or is it because people simply refuse to acknowledge their opponents' evidence and conduct studies in a way that will contradict their beliefs?