Since the end of 2005, following the death of William Rehnquist, John G. Roberts has acted as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Traditionally in American history, it is possible to differentiate each court based on the particular chief justice, whether it be the Warren Court in possessing the central focus of civil rights or John Marshall's court being characterized as ensuring are rights to the federal government as opposed to state legislatures, but with the Robert's Court, it is much more ambiguous. This is largely due to the increasing polarization among the members on the bench, as four of the members usually decide to the left; those being Sonia Sotomayor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, and Stephen Breyer; and those who normally side with the conservative perspective of the case being Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, John Roberts, and Antonin Scalia (now deceased). It has ultimately been Anthony Kennedy, a registered Republican, through numerous occurrences, has acted as the deciding swing vote for the court. Despite the current split upon the bench, two trends are able to be identified in the manner of the Supreme Court rulings through the past twelve years: there has tended to be a liberal swing in dealing with civil rights and a more conservative approach when concerning the usage of firearms and the control of corporate business. Landmark cases like
Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015 and
National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius in 2012 allowed for the legalization of gay marriage and the approval of President Obama's Affordable Care Act, respectively, both expressing a similar liberal ruling. Other pivotal cases including
District of Columbia v. Heller in 2008 and
Burwell v. Hobby Lobby in 2014 legalized firearms for self-defense and all regions of the country (including D.C.) and permitted private companies to invoke their religious beliefs and enact policies that abide by their belief system (in this case, the owners of Hobby Lobby possessed Christian beliefs and were allowed to restrict contraceptive care to their employees), respectively.
Today, with the intense wavering and frequent voting along party lines, the future of the Roberts Court remains largely unseen. The recent death of Antonin Scalia in 2016 allowed for new incumbent Justice Neil Gorsuch to be appointed to take his place this past April, and due to the limited time he has already spent on the Supreme Court, there is no true idea of how and what he will decide for in upcoming cases. During his confirmation hearings in 2005, Roberts aspired for a limited and moderate court, but with reviewing the pivotal cases heard and their accompanying landmark rulings to them in the past twelve years, Roberts' original aspiration has not yet been achieved. Hopefully, in the next few years or so, individuals will be able to draw more defined trends from the Court during this time and what its total results were from both past and future cases.

The Supreme Court in 2016 Neil Gorsuch
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Interesting post about the Robert's court and how divided it has been in the past with most members voting on party lines. It will be very interesting to see what will happen in the coming years with the new appointees by the current POTUS.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with Sophia. I have to wonder what exactly leads a registered Republican to become the swing voter on many issues, though. With the Supreme Court recess beginning, it seems that, in general, we'll have to wait for fall and the beginning of a new Supreme Court session to see Gorsuch's full impact.
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ReplyDelete• 1.กรีดหนังตา เป็นแนวทางที่เคยชินกันดีกับกระบวนการทำตาสองชั้น หรือจะเรียกว่าวิธีมาตาฐานก็ว่าได้ เพราะว่ามีผู้ที่ทำตาสองชั้นด้วยแนวทางแบบนี้มีมากที่สุดเป็นอันดับแรกเลยเดียว
• 2.การเจาะรูหรือบางที่เรียกกรรมวิธีการเย็บจุด เป็นการไม่ต้องกรีดหนังตาแต่ว่ากลายเป็นการเจาะรูเล็กๆที่กลีบตาห่างกัน 3-4 จุด สามารถเอานำไขมันส่วนเกินออกได้ แล้วทำเย็บเงื่อนไหมไปตามแนวเส้นที่ได้กำหนดไว้กับกล้ามเนื้อตา จะมีผลให้กำเนิดเป็นตาสองชั้นขึ้น ลักษณะเด่นคือไม่ส่งผลให้เกิดรอยแผลเป็น แล้วก็มีการบวมช้ำเพียงแค่เล็กๆน้อยๆ
• 3.การเลเซอร์ ได้แก่การใช้เลเซอร์คลื่น plasma ยิงไปที่หนังตาทำให้มีหนังตา 2 ชั้นขึ้นมาอย่างราบรื่น ถึงจะเจ็บจี๊ดแทบจะร้องไห้ แต่ว่าลักษณะเด่นคือทิ้งแผลเอาไว้น้อยมาก ใช้เวลาพักฟื้นน้อยมาก ดำรงชีวิตธรรมดาได้เกือบจะในทันที
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