Thursday, August 25, 2016

Why does the american form of government work?

The United States of America has a very complex government system that not many countries have been able to best. After the American revolution and the United States was beginning to grow political leaders had to decide how to start their new government system. According to Document ten written written by Madison says that the government system works with the reason of man and liberty.  "The second expedient is as impracticable as the first would be unwise. As long as the reason of man continues fallible, and he is at liberty to exercise it, different opinions will be formed. As long as the connection subsists between his reason and his self-love, his opinions and his passions will have a reciprocal influence on each other; and the former will be objects to which the latter will attach themselves. The diversity in the faculties of men, from which the rights of property originate, is not less an insuperable obstacle to a uniformity of interests. The protection of these faculties is the first object of government. From the protection of different and unequal faculties of acquiring property, the possession of different degrees and kinds of property immediately results; and from the influence of these on the sentiments and views of the respective proprietors, ensues a division of the society into different interests and parties" 10
Here Madison is saying that in order for the American government to work, the government needs to protect the rights of the people. With these right they should be able to give out their interests and ideas and the government should not stop them from being able to do that.

Also written by Madison document 51 describes the checks and balances that need to be placed on the government so it doesnt get too poweful. "the only answer that can be given is, that as all these exterior provisions are found to be inadequate, the defect must be supplied, by so contriving the interior structure of the government as that its several constituent parts may, by their mutual relations, be the means of keeping each other in their proper places. Without presuming to undertake a full development of this important idea, I will hazard a few general observations, which may perhaps place it in a clearer light, and enable us to form a more correct judgment of the principles and structure of the government planned by the convention." Madison explains that the reason why the american government works is because of the checks and balance system that it has. This allows the people to make sure nobody gets to powerful. Like the state can check the federal government so it cant control the entire nation. And other states can make sure another state doesnt become too poweful.


  1. Don't forget that the 3 branches of government also keep each other in check so that one does not become too powerful. Also the state and federal government should try not to interfere with each other, like the 3 branches of gov should try not to interfere with each other.

  2. Don't forget that the 3 branches of government also keep each other in check so that one does not become too powerful. Also the state and federal government should try not to interfere with each other, like the 3 branches of gov should try not to interfere with each other.
