Friday, August 26, 2016

Federalist Paper #51

“But the great security against a gradual concentration of the several powers in the same department, consists in giving to those who administer each department the necessary constitutional means and personal motives to resist encroachments of the others.” This means for every department Legislative, Executive and Judicial should be independent. The election process mostly have to do with the people and the state and not the the other branches and that is Madison is pointing out. The only way out is judicial branch the people can not only pick the judicial branch they have also have to pick the Executive and Judicial. He says that the legislative is the strongest because the people say the power. That is why Madison says we need to give them life time jobs so they feeling of independence. As I said that the legislation is the most powerful branch so they don’t want that branch to get so powerful so that power doesn’t get all that power to be turned against other people. This works because now the people are been heard and it’s not only the people with power been heard it everyone been heard.

“If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” What he is saying is that look we know that we are men we have faults. We are going to create a government but people might screw it up  If everyone will agree that if we were all angels, no state would be necessary, and if angels was the governors , they would not require internal or external constraints to ensure that they governernment. People will try to always be better than others. They will hurt each other if it brings benefit to themselves. Angels are good because god sent them. People are bad because the “devil” are tempting to go outraged. What he is trying to say is that we want a government that will work and not fall and become another war. This works because he is putting himself in people’s shoes because the people always felt left out and not been into consideration. It also shows that when the government is not is not the best government the people don’t have to “sin”(go crazy). All the people have to do is bring their opinions to the government.

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