Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Relief emphasized in the New Deal

"Many historians have boiled the goals of the New Deal down to three concepts: Reform, Relief, and Recovery. Watch the documentary clips and decide which of the three the New Deal emphasized."

The Great Depression was a major panic that struck the nation with 25% of the labor force unemployed and no places to look for jobs within a year 2 ½ million become jobless. People started to get evicted from the homes also becoming homeless and poverty swept the nation. Food became unfairly priced where there was no reduction in food and hunger became a growing thing. Franklin D. Roosevelt's policy was a bright light to ending the depression and of improvement and helping people get through the tough situations that made people suffer.

Roosevelt new program was described in two words “New Deal”. Relief is emphasized due to the main things of the New Deal was to become stable and improve the economy, living conditions, and give people hope for change. New organizations began to transform due to the acts and adjustments put to help people. These acts included Farm Credit Act (June 16, 1933) in which set up the Farm Credit Administration to help those in danger of losing their farms.There was immediate help for farmers who suffered from the low prices on their farms; oversupply was a problem people couldn't afford the food and it was spoiled and thrown away, what the FCA also helped farmers by doing something that involved them buying up their cattle then taking the kill(food), and distributing parts of the food back to the farmer and helping many others who were suffering from hunger. This brought prosperity among people lifting up their spirits in seeing a new beginning and not the end. In the Second deal, there was also the Rural Electrification Administration (1935) made low-interest loans to electric companies to provide power to 90 percent or rural America. By 1941 40 percent of American farms enjoyed electric power. This created a real help in creating better living conditions for farmers that produced people's food. Becuase if their farms died due to poor conditions or people selling their farms who's going to produce people food source?

To help build up the economy which was also a major problem since it was build up by the industries and labors but due to the lack of money a chain reaction lead to the closing down of many companies and industries the problem of unemployment need to be dealt with as well because there is still no way to be able to afford all this with no money. To deal with this People were put to work, given jobs in projects that would help the society and economy at large. Unemployment Relief Act (March 31, 1933) "which was designed to put urban young men to work with conservation projects such as reforestation." Pretty much an Act came into distress the tension build on by the depression to help people with their financial issues and help build up people confidence in their work. In the Second Deal act like the Emergency Relief Appropriations Act (1935) the Established the Work Progress Administration. The WPA established a system of work relief for the unemployed. Created an increase in wealth among people helping them stabilize their economic problem/ difficulties. And give them sort of a beginners boost a person's income. "By increasing the flow of money into people’s hands it also stimulated the economy. Also contributed to the National Youth Administration (NYA) being established. This organization provided employment for 2 million high school and college youths." This gave security to people who had unstable jobs and were at risk to poverty once again.

This relief gave people a new view of things. When people got jobs and finally saw the money they earned, it made a new difference in the world new views that the country was getting back on their feet and people were going to be successful. People can have  more confidence and a sanctuary where the could begin to feel comfort that things would be okay and if this were to happen again the government and the economy the nation would be ready and prepared.

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