Monday, February 20, 2017

The Beat Generation

Image result for the beats
     The Beat Generation was a cultural and literary movement that happened in the 1950s. It started out as a group of friends in Columbia University who shared similar ideas, and later evolved into a movement. The Beats were never large in terms of numbers, however, their works reflected the society at the time, and influenced the nation. 

     The Beat Generation was a response to the change in the postwar age. As the society became more materialistic, people questioned the consumer culture. People saw capitalism as destructive to the human spirit and contributive toward social inequality. Another part of the movement was dissatisfaction toward the older generation, who saw discussions of sexuality as unhealthy. They challenged the clean formalism of the earlier writers, and embraced a bold, straightforward, and expressive style of writing. 
     The core group of the Beats were Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Neal Cassady, and William S. Burroughs, who met in Columbia University. Many of their works became milestones in American literature, which are still studied today. For example, when Allen Ginsberg published Howl in 1956, people have never read anything like it. The poem explored the underside of America, including drugs and prostitution. Foul language and slang were used throughout his poem.

     The Beat Generation caused a great impact in American literature. Their works were criticized as inappropriate and attention-seeking. However, they were an important part of literary history. They redefined censorship and challenged the mainstream. In addition, they brought up important issues to the nation's consciousness, such as environmentalism. 


  1. This is interesting because this post-World War 2 attitude is still seen today in society. There are still people today that use poetry and art to express their political beliefs, typically liberal ones. Today they still express feelings about social inequality and problems facing the country.

  2. I find it interesting that they were able to gain the literary popularity that they did considering how liberal it was compared to the viewpoints that many held during that time. Since they were a small group would you say that their impact and popularity came more from people's fascination and dislike of what they were saying?

  3. I enjoyed reading your blog because we learned about Beat Poetry in English. This was part of the literature of the Beat Generation, which was characterized by the questioning of mainstream culture. I found it interesting that they were so focused on the future. At a time when everyone was thinking about World War 2, they were looking towards changing the next generation's outlook on life. Despite serving in the army (in a non-combat division), famous Beats like Ginsberg and Kerouac, they were very un-interested in the war. Burroughs even served in the army after attempting to join the air force.

    This article lays out more about the Beat Generation and their thoughts about war:

  4. I especially think its important to take into consideration how to beat movement consisted of so few people but at the same time had such an impact. This just goes to show the power of a dissenting opinion, even if it is of the minority. Most during the 50s were very conservatively thinking, and it is great that this group could have such a voice. Like you say, it was easy to point the finger at people who take risks (saying they are inappropriate and attention seeking), but the value of these people is apparent after the fact.
