Monday, February 13, 2017

inventions of the 1950s

During the 1950s, several new innovations emerged, where they all allowed for making large steps in improving while simplifying several aspects of American life. One innovation during the 1950s was the TV dinner. In the past, people had to prepare and cook all their meals, however this could be very a time-consuming task. In the 1950s, a time with a heavy consumer culture, people were spending more time buying goods and being with their families, so this could have lessened the time or decreased the motivation and interests for busy mothers to spend time that they could use to have fun with their families to be replaced by making meals for their families. The TV dinner was the perfect solution: it was cheap and quick - all someone needed to do was to pop the frozen dinner in the microwave for about 25 minutes, and then they'd have their meal, which usually consisted of a starch like potato, a meat, and a vegetable, all ready to eat.

Another invention during the 1950s was the credit card. First developed by Jon Biggins, a worker of a Brooklyn-based bank, the "Charge It" card allowed for quick transactions between the customer and the banker. Salesmen, especially those who were on business trips, used credit card to not only easily make payments, but also take part in entertainment and other activities while they were on travel. Unlike today's hard plastic credit card material, credit cards back then were made with paper stock, but eventually got replaced with today's hard plastic material by American Express.



  1. Great post! Credit cards and efficient ways of packaging and sending were very important to the contribution of the new consumer society. The 1950s was very well- known for a consumer society so these inventions are very important. Also the introduction of colored tv was a huge help to the consumer society.

  2. Not secure 😱😬 What happened there?????????


  3. Great post! Credit cards and efficient ways of packaging and sending were very important to the contribution of the new consumer society. The 1950s was very well- known for a consumer society so these inventions are very important. Also the introduction of colored tv was a huge help to the consumer society.


  4. surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre
    ok heres my email
