Thursday, March 23, 2017

Richard Nixon's Personality

Richard Nixon was an excellent politician and was a very intelligent person. He graduated third in his class at Duke University and succeeded in many different areas of law and logistics. He was in the Navy during World War 2. Rising up the political fields, Nixon was very hardworking and never quit on his objectives, which he said soon before he resigned as President. Nixon was a shrewd politician, visiting China despite being anti-communist, his decisive Vietnam war strategy, and his environmental protection acts represent this. He was also a great debater and public speaker, although he lost his first Presidential running against John F. Kennedy, he later won the position and became convincing in his addresses to the people. For his religion, Nixon was a quaker, but it didn't influence any of his decisions when he was in office.
Image result for nixon sad
Yet what seemed like the most perfect, professional man on the outside, Nixon had some negative traits that lead to his demise. Nixon was dishonest, especially when it came to the Watergate scandal. He was also very insecure and overly formal at times, he did not have many friends and was described as socially awkward. He sometimes wore a suit and tie at his house or on vacation, and wore a tie and jacket when he was a boy, which caused some bullying. He was also insecure about his face, "this is the face I've got," he once said, "I've got to accept this". He refused to look at clips from his debate against John F. Kennedy because he thought he looked ugly.  Finally, Nixon was paranoid, he was always fearful that someone or something would take him down. He created his "enemies list", which included members of the press and political opponents. He also tapped the white house due to his mistrust of his white house members, which later turned into a piece of evidence for the watergate scandal. He was also a strong supporter of McCarthyism, which was based off of paranoia of communists in the US. Although Nixon was an exceptional politician, his insecurities and fears ultimately lead to the demise of his great political career.



  1. It's nice how you linked his personality into some of the decisions that he made and his downfall as president. Another example is the saturday massacre, when he fired Archibald Cox and two attorney generals because they refused to carry out his orders. Also, when he got his second term, he fired all of his staff in the White House. This habit of firing people around him shows his paranoid personality.

  2. Great post! It is interesting to see how someone with such a public image contrasted his personality in private. This can also be shown in the transcripts and tapes that Nixon was forced by the Supreme Court to publish. They showed how much Nixon swore and used racial slurs, something that created public outcry and caused many who had supported Nixon to dump that support. Nixon's personality is also shown when he does not do the righteous thing about the Watergate burglaries and instead covers them up to save his staff.
    Source: Mr. Stewart + Nixon documentary

  3. Wow, it is very interesting to think about how a president's personality/traits could effect their decisions while in office. I have always thought of presidential decisions being guided strictly by politics and social climate, rather than personal feelings. But when you think about it, Nixon's innate distrust and paranoia would have greatly contributed to his contributions to the Watergate cover up. Can you think over another president who has let their personal feelings interfere with their decisions?

  4. Very creative idea for a post! Your position that Nixon’s personality was the reason for his failures as president is very convincing and supported by your evidence. It is interesting how the public is usually so unaware of the personal behavior and personality of the president. This is a very important for presidency considering the personal meetings with important world leaders the president attends. Should this factor be taken more into consideration by the public when choosing their president?
