Wednesday, November 23, 2016

New technology in the 1920s

During the 1920s, several new technologies emerged, where they all allowed for making large steps in improving several aspects of American life. An innovation during the 1920s was the increase in having access to electricity. In the past, people had to use kerosene and candles as a light source, however this was not a very reliable form of light. However, with the increase in electricity, electricity could power the several household appliances, many which were developed around this era, such as vacuum cleaners, electric ovens, fans, and dishwashers. By the end of the 1920s, 67% of homes had electricity. When electric lights were invented, this opened up new possibilities for work and play. As a result of the new inventions powered by electricity, this led to a decrease in manual work for completing various house chores. With less time being spent on household labor meant more time for people to take part in leisurely activity.

With the invention of the automobile, this provided a way for people to go places to enjoy themselves. This new method of transportation allowed for people to go out of their ordinary living areas on their own and travel long distances at a fast rate; people who owned cars often experienced a heightened sense of independence, because they could escape and explore new places with their car. When more people began to realize the benefits of owning a car, the country's overall need for using a car increased, so this caused car producers to decrease the cost of buying a car. For instance, between 1921 and 1925, Ford Motor Company cut its car prices by 6 times, therefore making cars, a growing necessity, more affordable for the general population, and helping more people have the ability to go out to places for entertainment and other activities.


  1. This post in very informational and it has great detail concerning some of the most important technologies of the 1920's and even today. Lights are a necessity for everyone at night, and more than 90% of American adults own or lease a car today. It is important to know that the price of cars were an important aspect to its possible consumers outcome because if it is affordable, it will be bought. There are some of these problems today but with the way the market is, new technologies have been outshining the car industry and have also driven (no pun intended) prices up.

  2. This was a great post. You focused on two of the most important technological advancements during the time and it summarizes automobiles and electricity. The statistics really helped me understand how large and widely used electricity had become in so little time in that day and age.

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