Donald trump is now the president elect of the USA weather you are happy about that or not is up to you and no one should tell you that your feelings about our president elect are wrong. But I want to talk about how Donald John Trump was elected when all the polls showed him lagging behind. I would like to bring attention to the silent majority. These people are a large segment of the american public that hide their political views for fear of persecution or because they don't care. This segment of the american voting block is huge and Donald John Trump managed to successfully woo this population to join him.
What does this mean?
The silent majority did not all vote for trump but a large segment of the population of the silent majority did it is worth mentioning less people voted this year than 4 years ago. This years candidates were negatively viewed and the extremes of both parties hate each other and the fact that DJT lost the popular vote isn't helping him win over the angry Californians who are rebelling against he trump. The electoral system helped trump pull a bush and just like Al gore Hillary not wanting to put the country in turmoil conceded. Trump won in an electoral landslide and lost decisively in the popular vote. Another factor is a lack of influential right leaning third parties and a substantial amount of left leaning parties that took split the vote enough so that trump won many battleground states. It is wrong to blame third parties and it is fair to blame the democratic party for alienating left leaning voters to the point where they place their votes in another party Trumps victory is from three major factors the votes of the silent majority, the electoral college and the splting of democratic votes.
I agree with your point about the silent majority. They definitely played a role in throwing off the polls. Also, you mentioned that Trump "pulled a bush" by losing the popular vote, yet winning the electoral college. I think the reason behind that is that the silent majority comes around every election cycle. For example, the silent majority was happy before 2008 because Bush was president. 8 years of Democrats in office later, the silent majority went out to vote because they were angry. This proves that the election goes in cycles, based on who is unhappy, because the unhappy people are more likely to vote.
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of protests about Trump's winning of the election, but the problem with this election mainly was that the democratic half just did not vote. The Republicans voted as much as they did before, but the Democratic turnout was a lot less. In Obama's first election, he had 62.2% of eligible voters, but Hillary only had 55.8% of eligible voters. Adding to this, less people were truly advocating for Hillary as they were for Obama, and so the third party votes were increased significantly enough to turn the election. Hillary was counting on the people on fence to fall to her, but instead it fell to Trump and the third party.
This is a great post. I believe that there are a few other reasons for why Trump won other than the electoral college, the silent majority, and the split of democratic votes. For example, the email scandal being rediscussed only days before the election may have played a big factor. Not only did it leave the final impression of Hillary as a criminal in the majority citizen, but it also took attention away from Trump who was rescieving hate for the claims of sexual assualt